5 Signs That You Need to Replace your Mattress and Upgrade Your Sleep Experience

7 Min Read

If you’ve ever woken up feeling like a pile of bricks, it’s not your imagination. It may be time to replace your mattress. I know what you’re thinking: “But isn’t changing my mattress the equivalent of getting a new bed? That’s expensive!” Well, yes and no. Here are some signs that it’s time to upgrade your sleep experience with a new mattress:

Your mattress is more than 10 years old

A mattress is a significant investment, but it’s one that can make your life better. A good night’s sleep is essential to feeling rested and refreshed in the morning. If you’re waking up with aches and pains or having trouble falling asleep at night, it may be time for an upgrade.

If you’ve had your current mattress for more than 10 years, there are likely signs of wear and tear that will affect its quality:

The foam has lost its ability to support your body properly

The springs have become compressed over time, making them less effective at providing support

The mattress is sagging or sunken in on both sides

If your mattress is sagging or sunken in on both sides, it may be time to replace it. A well-made mattress should last between 10 and 15 years, depending on how often you use it and how well you take care of it.

If your mattress has been around for more than a decade, there’s a chance that the support has been compromised by wear and tear over time. You can tell if this is the case if your partner wakes up with aches or pains after sleeping on their side of the bed all night long; if so, then he or she might need more support than what’s being offered by their current set-up (and vice versa).

You wake up with aches and pains

If you’re waking up with aches and pains, it’s time to replace your mattress. A good night’s sleep is essential for good health. But what happens if you wake up in the morning with aches and pains? Is it just part of getting older or something more serious? If so, what can be done about it?

There are many reasons why people experience pain when they first get out of bed in the morning: back pain is a common problem; muscle pain from sleeping in an awkward position; joint pain from sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too hard; shoulder, hip or knee discomfort due to poor body alignment caused by using an old spring-based foundation system; neck or lower back discomfort due to poor spinal alignment caused by using an old spring-based foundation system

You wake up feeling exhausted and sluggish

If you wake up feeling exhausted and sluggish, it’s time to replace your mattress. A good night’s sleep is essential for both your physical and mental health, so if you’re not getting enough restful slumber on a nightly basis–or if the quality of your sleep has declined over time–it might be time to shop around for a new bed.

The first step in selecting an appropriate replacement mattress is determining what type of sleeper (back/side/stomach) you are as well as which features are most important in order for you to achieve optimal comfort at night. The second step involves finding out whether or not these criteria align with how much money you’re willing spend on this purchase: It’s important not only for comfort but also longevity!

There’s a dip in the center of your mattress

You can check for a dip in the center of your mattress by placing a book on it, then rolling it over. If there’s no dent, then your mattress is still good to go. To check if your mattress is uneven at one end or corner, place a book on each side of the bed (at opposite ends) and roll them over together; if one side dips lower than the other, that means there’s an unevenness in that area of your mattress.

You can fix both these problems by flipping over or rotating your current box spring/foundation–or even replacing it altogether! If you have difficulty lifting heavy objects like these without help from others though (or if they’re just not worth risking injury), consider hiring professional movers instead–they’ll know how much weight they can safely lift without risking injury as well as any other precautions they should take before moving large pieces like this around inside homes full of obstacles like stairs and doorways.”

Replace your mattress when it’s no longer providing you with the support  

If you wake up with aches and pains, it’s time to replace your mattress. If you sleep poorly, it’s time to replace your mattress. If you wake up feeling exhausted and sluggish, it’s time to replace your mattress.

A good rule of thumb is that a mattress should be replaced every 10 years–or sooner if the number of hours slept per night decreases by more than two hours over six months’ time (this indicates that the body isn’t getting enough support).


Replacing your mattress is a great way to improve your sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to upgrade!

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